Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trimming the Tree!

I have been a bit busy decorating our home and trimming our Christmas Tree.  This will be our first Christmas in our new home and I am enjoying finding new places and ways to display years of collecting.  The theme for our tree began with an idea from the girls over at The French Flea.  It is a natural white Christmas with a splash of color. 

A house is just a house, it takes memories to make it a home.  This will be the first of many Christmas memories.  Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ladies, Brunch is Served!

I began blogging this past March as a way to deal with the emotions of moving from our cozy little house in the suburbs to our new home in the country. 

Several of the ladies I work with have been following my blog, over at WordPress, as we built our new house and have expressed an interest in coming out to see the end result. 

I feel kinda odd inviting people over to look at our house.  But they asked for it...so about a month ago I decided it would be fun to have them over for brunch.  I also decided to host a trunk show at the same time to help ease the self imposed awkwardness of having people checking out our new nest. 

We are not completely moved in, there are dozens of boxes in the garage that still need going through.  Also, There are several boxes that need to be stored in the attic, but the attic is in the process of being decked.  There are candle holders without candles, pictures that haven't been hung.  There is also a missing box of antique wall mirrors.  Which I am desperately looking for and has added to the chaos in the garage. 

I don't think anyone who is coming to visit this week will care one way or the other about the unpacked boxes or the huge mess in the garage.  For that I am thankful!

The Brunch Menu:

Goat Cheese and Fig Sandwiches 
Blueberry Muffins
Fresh Berries with Cream
Chicken Salad on Croissants
Cheese Broccoli Soup
Pumpkin Bread smeared with Cream Cheese
Orange Juice & Sweet Tea

Sunday, November 14, 2010

the house that pottery barn inspired...it's a great day

The Dining Room table was inspired by my favorite catalog... Pottery Barn!

It's a great day when...the Pottery Barn Catalog arrives in the mail. 

It's a great day when...I find the page with the design layout that is going to be the inspiration for my seasonal decor.

It's a great day when... I can see my ideas begin to take shape.

It's a great day when...the project is completed. 

It's a great day when... I find a blogger with a kindred spirit.

It's a great day when...that blogger is offering a free $50 gift card to PB, to do what I enjoy doing which is to follow her blog, share her blog and blog about her blog and giveaway. 

So to my PB kindred spirit I say thank you for a great day!

If you are looking for a new blog to follow, if you are a fan of pottery barn, farms, chandeliers, old B&W photos, all things Simple, Beautiful and Vintage check out http://urbanfarmgirlandco.blogspot.com/

Saturday, November 6, 2010

free as a bird...

I knew they were coming...it happens every year...today was the day! They probably number in the thousands.  It's THE BIRDS!!!  The activity in our yard resembles an aerial aviation convention.  Complete with precision formations and aerial stunts and dive bombers.  The colors span the rainbow.   And our otherwise peaceful neighborhood has been transformed into the Bird Convention!  And the conventioneers are busy chatting it up with their neighbors.

I read once, sorry I  don't remember where, that the area of Texas we live in has the largest variety of birds in the United States.  Originally I thought that's one of those BIG Texas stories the natives like to tell.  However, this morning I believe it may actually be true.

The birds in our yard this morning, numbering in the hundreds,  as far as I could tell, were the common grackle, sparrows or finches, its possible the smaller birds were house wrens as well as  a downy woodpecker or a red bellied woodpecker.  We already have had the pleasure of being visited by the hummingbirds and Owls are common in our neck of the woods. But, When I saw the flash of blue out of the corner of my eye I immediately knew what it was.  The Eastern Bluebirds!! They have always been my favorite!    There are several pairs flitting about searching for their nesting spot.

I immediately called my Dad to share my excitement.  He reciprocated with his own enthusiasm and instructions on how to build and place the nesting boxes for the bluebirds.  Should they find suitable accommodations they will return every year.  Oh, how wonderful would that be!

I am not a birder but I do share my Dad's love for the feathered creatures.  My dad is a bird man.  He has raised birds his entire life, all kinds.  At one time I think he had 75 parakeets, green, yellow, blue and violet.  He has also raised and shown fancy pigeons.  He even used homing pigeons to arrange dates with my Mom when they were in highschool.  Really!

I am on the lookout for a little bird my Dad calls a POP!  I have only seen them twice in my life.  It was either during the fall or spring migration.  They are small like wrens and each are a different color.  If you happen to know anything about this little bird we call a POP please drop me a line or a link.

I always enjoy my Saturday mornings out here in the country but this morning as been truly delightful!

Friday, November 5, 2010

love love entertaining...

I absolutely love entertaining!  I love deciding on the guest list; which group of friends will create the best group for conversation.  Will we invite our dearest friends or mix it up and invite mostly family and a couple of friends, or maybe invite friends who have never met one another but have similar interests.

I love deciding on the menu and base it on the guest list.  Are they adventurous and willing to try anything or should we keep it simple and basic.

I love shopping for the party; table decorations, flowers, main ingredients and dessert.  I love don't mind cleaning the house before the party.

I love slicing and dicing, mixing and measuring and assisting my husband with the cooking.  I love how everything comes together at just the right moment.  I love greeting our guests  friends as they arrive for the party. 

We have hosted two dinner parties in our new home and they were both filled with family and friends, good food, great dessert and lots of laughs.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

one of my favorite things

Today...my absolute favorite catalog arrived in the mail.  It's not just any edition of the catalog, it's the Christmas catalog!  The cover is absolutely beautiful! The cover says it all!  It calls out to me from the honey colored paint on the wall in the background to the tastefully scripted subtitle scrawled across the bottom of the page, "It's almost time to decorate for Christmas"!!!

Which catalog, you ask, is she so excited about...it is none other than PotteryBarn!!

As I am typing this little post my favorite catalog is laying next to me on the sofa.  I have yet to turn the first page.  I have waited until there will be no chance of distractions.  I want to be able to enjoy savor the experience that is waiting on each page. 

I also wanted to think about why these 100+ pages excite me so much before I feverishly start turning the pages.  I love every design detail that has gone into each layout.  I look at the placement of the pillows and the wall hangings.  I love how an over sized mirror is placed in an otherwise forgotten corner.  I study the details that have gone into wrapping the Christmas gifts.   I love the variety of textures, the mixture of old and new as well as the familiar feeling that PotteryBarn feels like home.  The layouts on each page capture the essence of Christmas with grace and elegance.  The only place where caution is thrown to the wind is when it comes to decorating the tree.  There is no holding back when it comes to the tree.  The tree is the focal point!  It's all about the Tree!!! 


It was around 3:45am this morning when the thunder rolled and the lightening cracked and the rain poured from the heavens.  Fall arrived!!!

The temperatures dropped and the leaves shuttered and began their descent from the tops of the trees.  The wind is gently gathering the leaves into drifts along the side of the house.  Soon most of the trees will be bare and the entire landscape will take on a completely different view.  I will be able to see farther into the woods that surround our house and maybe catch a glimpse of my nearest neighbors house.

I believe there will be a fire roaring in the outdoor fireplace by the weekend.  It's time to pull out the hoodies and the quilts and the knit hats and warm up the apple cider and take time to enjoy the fall weather. 

It's time to slow down and enjoy the gift of Fall!